There are reasons to keep your children around home, they make life fun. So there I was cruising through the movies on netflix when I see "Mama Mia" and its says with Abba music. Now there is nothing quite like some good ole music from the 70's so I order it. I didn't know that Abba doesn't sing the songs in the musical its only their music the actors sing it. While we are sitting around watching the film Tressa remarks that that is whats wrong with our family we don't break out into spontaneous song often enough like they do in the musicals. To remedy the problem she and Melia get up and start dancing and singing to the musical. At the end of the movie they have a couple of the actual Abba songs so I pick up Isabell to start dancing with her and Tressa and Melia join in waving a couple of blankets around as they dance. Melia tries to get Peyton in on the fun and at first he loves it till he figures out its his blanket and he thought they were playing peek a boo.
It would be an acurate statement to say that we do like our cheesy musical, and even an occasional good one as well, for life does need more spontaneous song but hopefully by those who can sing which does rule out myself unless the music is really loud and I can't be heard then I'm great.
Movie critic now: Pierce Brosnan doesn't hold a candle to Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood in Paint Your Wagon. I got Melia hooked on that one a few years back. For a truly fun cheesy musical Grease 2 is highly under rated, there again I've been in the high school setting for 25 years now and I've never seen the kids at our school break out into song like in Grease or High School Musical. Maybe I'll have to offer extra credit if they do.
My wife will be a little disappointed in me in this post as I have no pictures to go along with it and it seems in this family it didn't really happen unless we have some kind of picture of it.
It’s a little loud in here
1 week ago