Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tum Tum

Late post I know but better than never.
The family took its usual trip to Tum Tum on the Spokane River in August. We were a little apprehensive about this trip due to all the young ones in one house but it went well.
Peyton loved the boat. I think more when it wasn't moving!
Peyton on day 2 or 3 finally having fun in the water. Below Madison and Isabell with grandpa. Not sure if they like the cold water. It was 90 degrees over there.
The water felt really nice to us adults. Peyton and Isabell soaking up some rays with grandpa. This was a favorite thing for these two. Peyton had many hats to choose from and he chose this one.It does have a wide brow.
Peyton enjoyed being by the water and after warming up to it he liked being in it. He especially liked floating around as did Isabell. Madison liked to be in the sandbox more than the water.
The little girls chilling after being out in the sun!
The big girls got some water time but with the babies it was hard for them to play their usual games in the water and I think they were a little disappointed in that aspect. The boys being boys had to have some diving board play time. Of course Spencer supplied the laughs with his very personalized style. We keep trying to get him to embrace the air from the board, but he likes to play it close to the water.
Doug showing Spencer how to get air!
Spencer won the creative part hands down with his alligator, who did not survive the jump. above Jesse is sporting his twister jump and below a back flip.
Doug's Creative Jump! and Spencer 2nd creative jump --not bad. Check out the HATS! Madison getting ready for her first ever tubing ride. She didn't seem to express like or dislike for the ride.
Everyone had to get some tubing rides in here is Spencer and Melia. Jesse and Tressa had to keep the speed down. Nursing mother! Peyton wasn't to fond of tubbing. we had to cut his ride very very short!
This is the last ride for Alesha, as this jump did in her shoulder. Dislocating it.I managed to find some things to do around the place in between taking the kids
After I (Doug) put in many hrs of work everyday, Dee finally takes a picture, and it's durning the boys' 10 mintues of back breaking work.
tubing and doing some swimming. Swimming is always more refreshing after doing some work and getting sweaty, maybe one of these days I'll convince the kids of that. As is her MO Dee Dee tried to document everything with pictures.
Erica getting some water time in with Madison.
Peyton watched grandpa doing some painting, then he spent lots of time copying him.

We ended the week by going to my niece Kim's wedding and a family gathering
Doug, Peyton, and Isabell at the wedding
Madsion LOVED playing with the rose petals after the ceremony.
of my siblings and families and a lot of really good food. My favorite part about a family get together is the "Long Horn" ribs that generally accompany the gathering, that's not to say I don't enjoy visiting the gang, but it's "Long Horn" Ribs.
Peyton and Dillon helping Great grandma with the beans.
Tressa and her two boys-Brady and Peyton

Everyone at the Sunday B-que at Tum Tum

1 comment:

BJ Barnes said...

How is Alesha doing? Sorry to hear she got hurt.
Love the photos of family having fun! :)